Another great defense for the Do-it-yourself er
Vacuuming and Steam Vac's
Whether people realize it or not vacuuming is a very useful tool against bed bugs, unless you want to be flinging these bugs everywhere with a broom...(not a good idea). Also Steam Vacs are great for left over bedbugs. It actually utilizes steam while its drying the carpet. And STEAM kills Bedbugs.
- After you Vacuum, Dump it out outside or in a bag and quickly discard, vacuum again.
- Now break out the Steam Vac and steam vac all that you just Vacuumed.
This is a Great defensive tactic against bedbugs, but remember its all apart of 1 important factor
which is Consistency. You must Do this often, probably more then you would like., so get the kids(if you have any) use to cleaning behind themselves. Making your job easier!
Don't Know What a Steam Vac is?
Here are just a few steamvacs
they shouldn't be any more expensive then those!
How do you stop the itch?
- I would say get some Cortisone, or other itching cream but the truth is that stuff helps only for a few minutes, well at least for me. So lets rule over the counter medication out.
- Instead lets go natural, Neem oil
Neem Oils
: Scientifically Neem Oil has proven to be a Natural repellent, Pesticide and Medical Herb.
Why am I mentioning it?
3 reasons!!!!
Neem Oil is great, since if your reading this you want to obviously get rid of your infestation yourself. It acts as a shield at night while you sleep, protecting you from bites. That's right! Its acts as an Insect repellent. I personally mix about 5ml of Neem oil with every 100ml of plain water in a spray bottle and I spray around my beds legs, a full circle around any part of my bed touching the floor. (Caution)(Neem Oil is indeed natural but very potent stuff)
When I say Pesticide I don't mean spray a little on a bedbug and just like that its dead... NO.
Neem Oil has a much more sophisticated attack, once it enters the bugs system it blocks the hormones from working properly. The Bugs "Forget" to eat,(off you) mate, and/or stop laying eggs, if eggs are produce they don't hatch, Making your DIY task so much more manageable.
- Medical Herb/Skin Product
As a Skin care Product Neem Leaf has proven great for many reason's.(rather then Neem Oil) If you are interested in learning more uses check out this free information page Neem for skin care and disorders
But for purposes of this page Neem leaf, (not oil) should be used for bites, it does wonders for irritated and itchy red skin.
A bonus:
Having the Neem on your skin over night, is great protection from getting any new BEDBUG BITES. I am updating my blog only because I have been testing out Neem myself for the last couple of weeks, nothing but positive results. Also, for the last 3 weeks, no new bites have been reported from any of my customers. Since I recommend anything I use personally with positive results, Neem oil/leaf is definitely on my recommendation list.
Quick Re-cap
So Far, from the DIY perspective, I have covered a lot.
- Remember the 3 P's method- Persistence, Patience, and Predication.
- Keep house clean and clutter free- Bedbugs aren't attracted to dirt but it makes it a lot easier to spot them.
- Anything washable should be laundered with Hot water, and dried on the hottest settings.
- Now Vacuum like never before- Vac's should be emptied outside, "I additionally, rinse the Vac's (dumping unit, and anything else washable on it) in hot water.
- Now Steam Vac
- make sure to use hot water when filling, and with slow forward/backward motions just "Vacuum Slowly but overlap your rows" The Kill point for bedbugs is when your picking up the soap in "pick-up" mode. They wont be able to stand the heat from the steam the steam vac lets out while drying your carpet.
- Preferably while things are being "laundered"..... break out the trusty Steam Cleaner
- for your mattress, couch, cracks, crevices, ceilings, curtains, etc.,
- Neem oil, and Neem leaf- use while your fighting through this, it will keep them from biting you and if used right from getting on your bed altogether best of all its a natural pesticide, its a plant, you could even grow your own.
More updates to come..... In the mean time get rid of them.....
I decided to update because i am getting lots of emails of questions on some of the defenses i mentioned above.
So here's a little bit more detail:
Neem oil is very rare and hard to find but not impossible its best to get online because you get better quantity like that. Reading up on Neem I found that it is not suppose to kill the bugs on contact because it works in a far more sophisticated way it attacks the bugs hormones, leaving them not wanting to feed, mate or lay eggs (essential key defenses in killing bed bugs permanently)
As far as what i can verify from my own use I agree with some of what i read. After mixing the Neem oil with water! (this was my spray mix for pesticide use) I used a 70% mixture of Neem oil
I got it here: 70% Neem Oil on sale
Now for my lotion mix i used 100% Neem oil because i wanted it to be pure no additives or anything.
I got it here: Neem Oil 100% Pure 16oz
Remember that taking action asap is the only way because waiting to long means your getting to many
these things mate quicker then they eat! they multiply fast theirs no doubt about it!
Get rid of them! good luck!
I decided to update because i am getting lots of emails of questions on some of the defenses i mentioned above.
So here's a little bit more detail:
Neem oil is very rare and hard to find but not impossible its best to get online because you get better quantity like that. Reading up on Neem I found that it is not suppose to kill the bugs on contact because it works in a far more sophisticated way it attacks the bugs hormones, leaving them not wanting to feed, mate or lay eggs (essential key defenses in killing bed bugs permanently)
As far as what i can verify from my own use I agree with some of what i read. After mixing the Neem oil with water! (this was my spray mix for pesticide use) I used a 70% mixture of Neem oil
I got it here: 70% Neem Oil on sale
Now for my lotion mix i used 100% Neem oil because i wanted it to be pure no additives or anything.
I got it here: Neem Oil 100% Pure 16oz
Remember that taking action asap is the only way because waiting to long means your getting to many
these things mate quicker then they eat! they multiply fast theirs no doubt about it!
Get rid of them! good luck!
Great info and it should definitely help!!! Most peoples problem is they never take action well this is a good reason to..
ReplyDeletegood day
thats right aca28 take action and get rid of them before it gets to bad
ReplyDeleteI had to put this comment up simply because on this page I mentioned Neem Oil. Trying it out for myself finished my infestation off I noticed spraying water mix with a little neem oil (should smell like orange peels) all around bed and bedding area and generally any area where there suspected to be. I havent be itching since. I brought to bottles one for my water mix and 1 bottle for my lotion mix (shake it) all rub all over before bed after a shower and all night not 1 itchy feeling! Thanks to the Neem!
ReplyDeleteWhere can I find the Neem Oil at.....I just found out I have bed bugs I all of sudden started itching all over and I went to the hospital to see what was going on and they said It was the pollen but I was laying in the bed tonight ands two bugs was crawling on my sheets so I picked them up and put them in a paper tile and looked up bed bugs and sure enough its what they are.....I'm a single of two and I can't afford an exterminator or a steamer what else is it for me to do please help...
ReplyDeleteSomebody please help me
ReplyDeletehortongirl5 i understand the fustration Neem oil is also a natural pesticide it definitely kills them on contact if you look on my blog where i mentioned neem oil click on the bold words (Neem oil) it will take you to amazon where you can get a nice size bottle i still have mines and no more bed bugs seems like the Neem out last the bugs!!! Hope this helps if not email me i will help as much as i can!
ReplyDeleteHello, I have had bites in my back and arms. At first i thought it was something i was allergic to, but than i noticed a bug. Afraid i looked up what it could be and saw that it was indeed a bed bug. The good thing is that it is only in my room, well since i have been the only one bitten (but i wouldn't know). We're thinking of calling an exterminator asap, but at the same time we're first going to try doing it ourselves. It is only in that room, my room. & I have not been sleeping there for some time now. Me and my family are going to try to take action now, since i do want my room back, and don't want them to spread anywhere else; if they haven't already. We were a b o u t to use Hotshot Bedbug and Flea fogger, but i read the reviews, and they were poor. It actually makes the situation worst. Researching i came across your blog, and i'm thinking about either trying this method, or calling an exterminator that W i l l get the job done.
ReplyDeleteHey Ameliax,
ReplyDeleteI know your fustration and definitely trying not to let them spread is probably the best route! I mention a list of tools on this blog, like the cheap steam vac and the steam cleaner, if you have carpet a vaccum is a must. These three tools with consistency will do better then any exterminator, and I say this because an exterminator that comes in a says I will have them out in a week is just getting you for your money, indeed you can get them out in a week, but it takes to be consistant more then a week. Constant steaming, vacs, and wet vaccumming the carpet and other areas thehy may be, also get some caulk and caulk any holes in your house so you eliminate any hiding places.